Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Awesome Bag Giveaway!

It's Twinsanity Reviews is doing a giveaway for Petunia Pickle Bottoms newest bag and I want one!!! It looks awesome, so big and room for everything you need to carry (plus the kitchen sink). :) Go here if you want to know more or even enter yourself!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Casey's Cupcakes, Mother/Son Dance, and Teeth

In recent news:

Recently we saw an episode of Cupcake Wars and Caleb got so excited when they introduced the bakers and one, Casey's Cupcakes, was from Riverside. In Caleb's words, " Riverside! That's near US, Mom!!" He was very excited. They went on to win their episode, so Jared and I decided a fun outing was in order. We finally made it there today! We got lots of cupcakes, all different flavors and are cutting them up and sharing so we get to try all the flavors. :)

Our cupcake boxes

So excited to dig in!

Surrounding the main box we have Strawberry, Coconut, and Cinnamon spice; and then in the box, top l to r, orange, milk chocolate, and Legally Blonde (the cupcake of the month, marshmallow infused oreo), and bottom we have red velvet, vanilla bean, and raspberry.

So yummy!!

Caleb's school had their annual Mother/Son dance last week.

He was quite the dancing machine for the first hour, then he just wanted to come home and play a board game. :)

He had fun hanging out with his friend, Noah M.

And this baby girl has TWO teeth! Both of her bottom teeth came in just a couple days apart. She is also rocking the cutest little ponytail. Headbands have become a bit of a fight (she just yank them off), and her hair is just long enough its starting to brush the tops of her eyes, so she is sporting this look quite often now.

Those cheeks are starting to make her face look rather square. :)

There they are!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Rory's First Cereal

Shortly after Rory hit the four month mark we let her have her first taste of cereal. Always a fun moment. :)

All ready and waiting! Isn't she cute, all serious.

Oh yeah, there's some excitement!

Hmmmmm, first bite...

What IS this stuff?

Why, oh WHY are you making me eat this?

Utilizing those fat chipmunk cheeks and not swallowing anything.

Please don't make me go through this again!

Well, its been a month now, and her eating has not improved at all. She's tried carrots too, but no go, she cheeks it or pushes it right back out with her tongue. Hopefully she figures this eating thing out soon!! And she is constantly trying to grab our food, so I know she's interested. We'll just keep practicing and eventually she'll catch on. In other Rory news, she's rolling both ways, and has her first tooth! I've yet to capture it on camera, she always sticks her tongue out and covers it up when she smiles, but hopefully I'll get a shot of it soon. Such a big girl!!

Crazy Hair 2011!

His hair is so long this year we had to use egg whites and the blowdryer to get it to stay up, but it was worth it. He loved it!