Thursday, July 29, 2010

Knotts Berry Farm!

We are here! We are alive!! Lol, getting things unpacked, organized, trying to finish the various construction projects still going on around here. We took a day off to fulfill one of the kids wishes and headed to Knotts Berry Farm. I was feeling bad that they haven't had much of a summer, so when my mom offered to take us, we jumped at the chance! Caleb and Belle have been begging to go to two places, Knotts and Legoland, so I was happy they got to go to one of the places on their wish list. :)

Camp Snoopy!

So happy to be there!


So excited, the first ride of the day!

Hmmm, she didn't like this one so much. :)


Excited for another new ride!

Hmmmm, not so thrilled about this one either.

This cutey brought her momma to play with us. :)

They all loved these cars!!

Mr. Cool :)

Huff and Puff!


Katie said...

So glad to see you blogging again! We miss you guys so much! Post some pics of the house when you get a chance I can't wait to see it! When does Caleb go back to school? We start a week from Monday yay!

Unknown said...

He starts the 11th. So pretty close to you guys, Lol, pics of the house, its a bit of a mess, which would be the reason for no pics. :) Whenever you want to come out and see it let me know! I have a couch, so there are places to sit, there are just some boxes around, and not all the molding is up.